Saturday, 21 June 2014

Around and Around We Go

I boast about being a Caribbean man. I was born in the Caribbean, and I consider myself privileged to have had this privilege. I have been to nearly every island in the region, and they are all beautiful in their own way. I particularly love Trinidad, Jamaica and St. Croix U.S.V.I. I wanted to go to Grenada, and though I have passed through and spent a little time on the airport, I have never visited. I suppose I will some day in the near future. But I think St. Kitts and Nevis are two islands highly comparable in beauty and charm to any island anywhere in the world. It's a beautiful nation in which we have two whole islands for ourselves. Sometimes I make a little joke and laugh playfully at what I call, "the one island people" of the region, but- as I say- it's a joke.
 Right at the bottom of the Kim Collins Highway a roundabout has emerged. I have traveled on it with a sense of pride. Frankly, I don't want anybody to spoil my pride by telling me anything about how poor we are and about how much the roundabout cost. I know lots of poor people who live in mansions and drive vehicles they cannot afford, so do not spoil my ride around the round about leading to and from Frigate Bay, and Bird Rock or down town Basseterre, or even to the RLB International Airport. Do not remind me of the cost. I just want to see the thing from the air and look down on it with a smile on my face saying, gosh am proud to be Kittitian.
 The funny thing is that somehow or the other I cannot drive on that thing without preventing the face of Earl Asim Martin from surfacing on the asphalt ahead of me. It should have been the face of a woman.
 Frankly, I much prefer roundabouts to stoplights because nobody has to fix roundabouts. All you have to do is keep them beautiful; cut the bloody grass and maintain the blinking road. I do not like stoplights because somebody is always trying to beat them, and on a tiny island where roads are narrow, there is a possibility of carnage, because when vehicles hit at stoplight junctures the hit is never a pretty one.
 The next time I fly on LIAT, I hope that my friend Barnie is the Pilot, because I want to go into the cockpit and ask him to find a reason to fly over the roundabout at the bottom of the Kim Collins Highway so that I can have a bird's eye view of the thing.

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