Saturday, 8 March 2014

A Chat with my Face book Friends

I do not know how many Face book "friends" I have. What I do know is that there is a reason for my practise of not requesting friends. I think it is called adding friends. I do not request anyone 's adding of me. Over ninety percent of the friends I have on Face book are persons who have, for one reason or another, decided to add me. I do not refuse anyone's friends request, although after accepting a friend, and I find that friend attempting to solicit my interest into something unwholesome, that friend is immediately deleted and blocked. Let me offer an example. Not long ago while on one of my trips to another Caribbean country, a man from Santo Domingo requested Face book friendship. As is my policy, I clicked the accept button. Shortly after this he began asking me about girls, making an offer to send girls to me. I deleted him immediately, because I felt he was some type of human trafficker.
 I do not make "friends" request because I do not wish to invite anyone to be my "friend" and then insult that person's intelligence, sense of morality, religious persuasion, political affiliation or the quantity of their patience. Added to these reasons, I have a difficult time dealing with rejection; I offer very few opportunities for my fellow humans beings to reject me. One of my main reasons, though, is that I write.
 I have strong, and (in my view) very thought-through, rather fixed opinions about matters that most people in the Caribbean are absolutely unable to share. I know this very well. My religious views, in particular, are vastly different from those of most Caribbean people I am likely to  meet. Many find such views completely shocking, disturbing and even painful, as they are not the views of the average Caribbean man or woman. Among the two or three reasons I do not make friends request is that I do not wish to draw anyone into my sphere of thinking and have them uncomfortable there. I say to all of my Face book friends, feel free to leave at any time you desire to do so. If my writing offends you, do not remain.
 My writings are merely my own musings. No one has to access them, although I am naturally satisfied that there are some who find what I say interesting and tell me so. There are others who seek out my work and leave it in fury. I have created several groups on Face books and sent invitations to join. I do not consider this to be the same as "friends" request. If my musings infuriates you, you too are free to withdraw yourself.
 I often do, and will continue to promote my books and other activities on my Face book pages and blogs. This is their purpose for being: promotion of my work; but I am also sensitively aware that in the Caribbean many people feel emotionally violated by any repeat of the pronouns "I" and "my", and frankly, I know this, and often try to skirt carefully around these two sensitive, emotive curves of nerve-endings that seem to live animatedly on the surface of Caribbean people's psyche. But sorry folks, I have difficulty advertising my work without touching base with these two personal pronouns. I beg your pardon if this induces you to puke.
Finally, I wish to thank those of you who encourage me to keep doing what I am doing. ( there again I almost said "am doing" instead of "I am doing"). Whether you are sincere or not, does not matter, I treat it all as being sincere. If you decide to remain in the circle of my Face book "friends", take the things I say with a grain of salt.

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