Friday, 28 February 2014

Tear down this Wall

I almost had my head blown to smithereens not long ago for posting one of my opinions on the wall of someone on my Face book list of friends. I received a rather rude awakening. For the first time in all the years I have been socializing on Face book, it dawned on me that there are people out there who take this "wall" thing as something deathly real and fiercely serious. Made me wonder how many volleys are fired around the globe and right over the top of Face book walls. When this happened to me I found myself scratching my hear and rubbing my watery eyes a number of times. I thought I had been inadvertently transported from an existence in which things were real, to one in which fantasies had locked tentacles with reality and there was no longer a distinction between states of human sphere of operation. I could not resist the tug on my memory of President Ronald Reagan's well rehearsed refrain "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall".
 I have friends who have blocked their "wall". There are people who are free to post on my open and accessible wall, while I am forbidden posting on their "wall". There are those who take this "wall" thing "seriously"; I am serious. They did not build the "wall", neither do they maintain it, but it stands as a treasured ornament, a sort of bastion; some type of symbolic obsession to be kept free of other people's "graphite"- that is, anything not within their preferred taste-. These are people I felt sure had "lives", and maybe they do have lives, but perhaps, for some of us, having "lives" is just not enough; we must possess "intangible- yet-somehow- real" things too, and must make enemies over these things, including  "walls", making immediate enemy of anyone who dare trespass anywhere close the "wall" to post anything at all. Perhaps it is part of the recently emerged system of "spaces to be respected" brought about by an era of cell phones and tables' sudden pinging and blaring into private gatherings. Whatever the cause we are no longer next door neighbors having only actual concrete walls dividing us. Our neighbors are no longer only those who live behind the wall we are able to actually see from our bedroom window; there are now cyber-walls too, and I have learnt that even Face book "walls" serve what appears to be some form of serious, representative purpose which people like me must, from henceforth, learn to  respect, but may never be able to understand what the big fuss over this intangible "wall" is all about.

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