Monday, 9 June 2014

The People Who Might Make it Rich On St Kitts

I have always insisted that selling illegal drugs is a stupid way to make money. I do not quite know why I have felt this way other than simply looking at Kittitian people, observing our ways, looking at how we live and function, and making assessments of how our minds work, based on what I see us do.
 Most of us do not know what "a lot" of money is. We think that a few million dollars means that we are rich. A few millions in the hands of the wrong man or the wrong group of people can evaporate like puddles of water under a few days of blazing Caribbean sunshine. So, on St. Kitts, it is possible to have millions of dollars in one year and have not a single cent of it the very year following. Pointing out that St. Kitts has borrowed, or has found a way  to make millions of dollars does not excite me, because it is not the money that makes or breaks us, it is the people who manage it, and I do not know who they are. All I know is that they are Kittitians, and I know how Kittitians operate when we believe we have "a lot" of money. We behave like excited toddlers in a toy store.
 St. Kitts is not a rich country, although there are people who try to pacify us my attempting to make us feel so. But we know the truth.
We are a proud and ambitious people, though, and we like nice things. For far too many of us it matters not whether these "nice" things are of lasting quality. What matters is that they "look" nice, or that they resemble the authentic product and we "good to go".
 Impressing our friends, but mostly our "haters" is what we are most interested in accomplishing. I predict, that given the acculturation within the economic-thinking of St. Kitts people -(my mumbo-jumbo expression so don't worry about it)- what I mean is that although we are not a rich country, our pride keeps us suspended somewhere between abject poverty and culling out enough money to buy our daily lunch from the lunch vendor; go watch a movie; buy some new clothes; take a trip overseas; purchase some multi-vitamins and get our hair done. Money springs into wallets and purses on St.Kitts for such "luxuries" that purport to "free us up" and make things easier, while at the same time making us "look good". I call these: our pride- generating-and-stress-freeing-feeling-services.
So if you are reading this blog, and you want to always have money in your pocket in St. Kitts, look to do one of the following:
Sell food
Become a barber
Learn how to "do" hair
Offer a baby sitting service
Services that "free up" Kittitians and make us "look good."

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